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Liu OGN幸酒
[来源:本站 | 作者:国际骨伤信息网 | 日期:2008年8月10日 | 浏览12033 次]



    Liu OGN幸酒是柳海峰先生的世代家传保健酒。自宋朝以来,柳氏家族世代行医,积累总结了很多中药古方、中药秘方,从药品到保健药、保健酒、保健茶等。

   Liu OGN Happy Wine is the healthcare wine handed down from the older generations of Liu’s family, which have been practicing medicine since the Song Dynasty (AD 960~1279) and accumulated many ancient prescriptions of traditional Chinese medicine, from drugs to drugs, wine and tea for healthcare.


    常喝 Liu OGN幸酒 可以改善人体的血液循环、改善血清浓度、提高血清中的生长荷尔蒙(GH)值、改善人体细胞及器官的功能,维护人体经络功能,令人体的新陈代谢回复到年轻时的状态,慢慢达到返老还童的功效。

   Frequent drinking of the Liu OGN Happy Wine can improve the blood circulation of human body, better serum concentration, increase the growth hormone (GH) value in the serum, perfect the functions of human cells and organs, maintain the functions of the channels in human body, restore human metabolism to the state of youth and gradually achieve the effect of rejuvenation.



   Master artist Gao Zhanxiang, former minister of culture of China , is one of the habitual drinkers of the Happy Wine. He said: “This is a ‘gold wine’ that improves your appetite. Drink the wine frequently and you will live long!”


    喝Liu OGN幸酒可加速新陈代谢,强化脏器功能,增加骨密度,强化骨骼;可以改善食欲,皮肤恢复弹性并有光泽,面部容光焕发;明显增强性功能;使身体及精神状态都回复到年轻状态。

   Frequent drinking of the Liu OGN Happy Wine can accelerate metabolism, strengthen the functions of the organs, increase bone density, reinforce the skeleton, improve appetite, restore the elasticity and gloss of the skin, make the face glow with health, markedly enhance sexual functions and restore both physical and mental state to youth.



   Let’s tackle with it at its root to enable the sparkle of life to shine more brilliantly!


   China Life Technology International Limited

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